A Small Good Thing
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Resources for National Social Work Month

Resources for National Social Work Month


March is National Social Work Month

Our supporters are organizing screenings around the nation during the month of March to honor community organizers and social workers. Check our calendar to find an event near you or organize your own screening to celebrate social workers this March!

As we work together to find new ways of honoring the incredible social workers in our lives, we also want to share some resources that have inspired us:

  • Greater Good Science Center - The Greater Good Science Center studies the psychology, sociology, and neuroscience of well-being, and teaches skills that foster a thriving, resilient, and compassionate society. The website provides articles on topics like gratitude, mindfulness, and compassion.
  • The Kripalu Institute for Extraordinary Living - KIEL works to imbue the transformational effects of yoga deeply into our society, by combining yoga with science and with education in order to transform healthcare and schools alike.
  • Social Workers Speak - NASW developed this site to allow social workers and the general public to critique and improve the way social workers and social issues are covered in news media, and are portrayed in the entertainment industries. 
  • ROPE Berkshires - The mission of ROPE, founded by Shirley Edgerton, is to celebrate and honor the entry of adolescent girls into womanhood and provide them with skills and knowledge that they need to be successful, independent and responsible women.
  • Widener University Online Program (MSW) - This article, A Practical Approach to Thinking About People We Find Challenging to Support, written by Beth I. Barol, MSW, PhD, is about new paradigms for treatment that are evolving as a result of this new research on the brain.

We hope these resources can provide new ideas and insights to you as we work together to celebrate National Social Work Month and honor social workers across the country!


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