Hawaii Pacific University's Aloha Tower
1 Aloha Tower Dr
Honolulu, HI 96813
United States
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A Small Good Thing is screening at the NASW Hawaii 2016/2017 conference on January 26th & 27th, 2017 (official date/time TBD). This year's theme is "Building Connections-Fostering Community". The conference will have 2 tracks, Mental Health & Child/Family.
"A Small Good Thing" by Pamela Tanner Boll asks whether we can change our larger goals as a nation and learn from the rest of the world about the small truths that are the sources of human happiness. Can our dreams serve as a conduit for the developing world’s financial well-being? The film explores how working in small but meaningful ways, we can overcome obstacles to happiness – the isolation of suburban comfort as well as the despair of poverty – to create joy for ourselves and others.
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