A Small Good Thing
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What is success? Film looks at alternative concepts of happiness


The film asks the question, what does it take to live a better life against a backdrop of a new era of emotional and economic challenges in today’s world?


By Adrian Gomez, Albuquerque Journal


Pamela Tanner Boll, like many other filmmakers, worked diligently on her film project.

With research starting in 2010 and production in 2012 through 2013, she is finally taking her film on the road.

And she couldn’t be happier.

“We had so much fun making the film,” she says. “It has been important to share this with audiences.”

Boll’s film is called “A Small Good Thing.”

The film asks the question, what does it take to live a better life against a backdrop of a new era of emotional and economic challenges in today’s world?

Shot in various locations in Massachusetts, it follows six people who focus on alternative concepts of happiness and success.

From social work student Tim Durrin to yoga teacher Mark Gerow to farmers Jen and Pete Salinetti, these “everyday people” find personal satisfaction via their links to nature, chosen professions, and interconnectedness with others, forgoing conventional definitions.

The film will screen at 7 tonight at the Center for Contemporary Arts, 1050 Old Pecos Trail, Santa Fe.

Then there will be two screenings at 1 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 20, and Sunday, Aug. 21, at the Guild Cinema, 3405 E. Central.

Boll will also host a Q&A session after each screening.


This article originally appeared in Albuquerque Journal: https://www.abqjournal.com/828957/what-is-success.html


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