St. Giles Catholic Church
1045 Columbian Ave
Oak Park, IL 60302
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A Small Good Thing is screening at One Earth Film Festival, March 3-12!
The film will be showing at 12:30pm on Sunday, March 5th. Admission is free but registration is required.
"For the longest time, we’ve been living as though the more we have—the more money, the more goods, the more territory—the happier we’ll be. Surprisingly, over the last fifty years as our standard of living has improved, our happiness has not. A Small Good Thing examines how our ideal of the American Dream has come to the end of its promise. The film tells the stories of people moving away from a philosophy of ‘more is better’ toward a more holistic conception of happiness — one based on a close connection to their bodies and health, to the natural world, and to the greater good."
The One Earth Film Festival is the Midwest's premier environmental film festival. More details about the festival can be found here.
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